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What Is “Feed My Sheep” Online Ministry?

Jesus Told Peter…

…To Feed His Sheep – who were other followers of Jesus.  Many years have now passed since Peter was commissioned to care for God’s people, and the baton has been passed on many times to many people throughout the ages and throughout the earth.

We here at “Feed My Sheep” Online Ministry resource have also resolved to take up this baton and do our part to provide spiritual nourishment to God’s people around the world, via the content we provide here, be it articles, psalms, additional Scripture and commentary, or faith-based products to bless you and those you know.

Thus, we have adopted that mandate of Jesus as our name, reminding us all to care for those God has put around us.


How Do We Feed Jesus’ Sheep?

As we care for physical sheep as well, we have special insights into what sheep need – lessons that can be applied to caring for God’s sheep – His people.

Sheep are oftentimes not as intelligent as other animals, and have flock behavior – following where the flock is going – somewhat similar to us as humans – following the latest fads just because they are popular, etc.

Thus, via our spiritual guidance in our articles and publications, we communicate biblical principles to help guide God’s “sheep” along the right path, free from any commonly believed but incorrect spiritual concepts that may have misled humanity in the past.


TanakWe draw from the foundation of the heritage that we have inherited from God’s original people Israel – the just and true principles and statutes in the first half of the Bible, called “TaNaK” in Jewish culture, of which the consonants are actually an acronym — Torah (Instruction ~ first five books of the bible), Nevi’im (Prophets including some historical content), and Ketuvim (Writings such as psalms and proverbs).  And of course, we treasure the apostolic writings known as the New Testament.

Support the Covenant People

Since the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, God made a special choice to bless the world through the descendants of these forefathers.  Their descendants became the nation of Israel which received the holy Torah (Law) of God with its just and right principles that the human conscience bears witness to in all the world.  Raised with the moral fiber of these Scriptures, Yeshua (Jesus’ original Hebrew name) grew up and defeated the temptations of HaSatan, “the adversary”, and gave His righteousness for us, taking our sin in return.

Thus we are blessed by the heritage of Israel, summed up in the God-man Yeshua, who was and is the GLORY of this nation Israel.

God said He would bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and so Feed My Sheep online ministry seeks to guide you to trustworthy ministries for Israel that you can bless, to honor the heritage from which we come, and the Jewish Savior by whom we are saved.

Divinely Crafted Delights

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Explore our range of biblical products soon. Find simple yet meaningful designs that bring a touch of spirituality to your everyday life. Whether you're looking for the right words to share or a comforting mug for quiet moments, our collection will have something for you. Embrace faith in the little things.

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If so, please tap below to reach out via composing an e-mail addressed to us.  We’d love to hear from you and get to know you more as well.  Go with God, and don’t forget to yield to His Spirit so as to complete the second great commandment of our Lord Yeshua (Jesus’ name in original Hebrew) – which is to love your fellow man just the way you would want him or her to love you!


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